Open Enrollment

Click the button to download the Open Enrollment Application Forms for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Enrollment applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now available in the office and on our website. To access the application online, please visit and click on Open Enrollment in the navigation bar. Click the link to the Enrollment Packet and a PDF should pop up which you can print and complete.
The entire enrollment application packet must be completed and brought to the office by the enrolling custodial parent/guardian. Make sure all required signatures are completed and all supporting documentation is brought with you for residency verification. Every enrollment packet must be brought to the office in-person to complete verifications and copies of identification and documents.
Your student’s AM Bus Stop and PM Bus Stop must be filled in on the enrollment application form (page 4 of 4 on the Application for Enrollment Form). A tentative bus stop schedule is listed on the back of these instructions. Unless there is a family emergency, the bus stops for AM and PM that you indicate on this form will be your student’s permanent pick up/drop off locations for the entire school year. To change pick up/drop off locations, you will be required to complete a Bus Stop Change Request Form one day prior to the date you want the change to take place. Bus Stop Change Request Forms are available online and in the school office.
The Home Language Survey must be completed in its entirety. Do not write down other languages than English if your student does not use the other language fluently on a daily basis. AZELLA testing for English proficiency must be done throughout the year and your student will have to prove they are proficient in English when other languages are submitted on this form.
The Arizona Residency Documentation Form must be brought into the office with the required supporting residency documents and your identification documents. If you are not listed on a rental agreement or mortgage, are sharing living spaces, or are in a temporary housing arrangement with another person/family, you must complete the Affidavit of Shared Residence because you do not have residency documentation of renting or owning your house/apartment. The Affidavit of Shared Residence must be signed by a Notary Public. You may use your own Notary Public or you can bring in your documents and we have a Notary Public at the school.
Medical history, medication consent forms, and the Medical Statement for Students with Special Dietary Accommodations must also be completed and signed.
Copies of your student’s state certified birth certificate, immunizations, and any Special Education IEP/504/AZELLA Records (if your child is not a current student) must be provided with your application. Any applicable court documents regarding custody or contact restrictions must be updated and must be submitted with your application.
If you have questions or need further information, please contact the school office at (928) 769-2310.
You can download and print our application HERE, or you can pick up an application in the school office.